Monday, February 17, 2014


A cold sunny day, just right for going through my seeds and figuring out what I have and what I still need to order. (my really late order) I can almost taste it.


  1. Replies
    1. Seed Savers Exchange- non GMO, non hybrid all heirloom and lots of organic. I've been VERY pleased with them!

  2. I doubt you'll be surprised- but guess who took a picture almost entirely like that just yesterday? Minus the adorable enamel pot. ;-)

    Here I thought I was on the ball this year! I haven't ordered seeds in so long I have forgotten what 'late' really is! I have a new seed catalog that you MUST order- if only to admire and swoon a bit. Bakers Seed Co. is a family run non-GMO, heirloom seed company and they have family pictures throughout almost like a photoalbum. The Mama is almost always in a dress with an adorable hair scarf wrapped up her hair and the little girl is almost always in a dress too. SERIOUSLY adorable. (And I think they are a bit cheaper than SeedSavers sometimes- but I am still in the midst of price-comparing.

    So- your next post needs to be what you ordered. ;-)

    1. I do have that catalog! Yes, prices are cheaper, but I didn't have as good of luck with the seeds. Keep in mind that I'm a black thumb though. I know, Mama and daughter are always so cute!

    2. And no, I'm not surprised at all we took matchy pictures : )

  3. Thanks! For whatever reason, I thought the last freeze/frost date would be generally the same as up there (maybe a week ahead). Holy. cow. I'm hearing of people planting gardens end of April, beginning of May. I'm waayyyy behind. Gonna rush to get a seed order in.
    Also, another question: what do you start seeds in? What kind of pots/containers? And WHERE have you found them? I've been looking, and geeze they're expensive...

  4. I bought a pot maker from Lehmans
    and I've been happy with it. I've also used those little "just add water peat pots" you can find at W*mart, but by the time I'm ready to plant, my plants have outgrown them. Rebecca has some good posts too, let me find them. (Dang, how nice and early!!!)

      you'll have to copy and paste that and the Lehmans one.

    2. Thanks for the info! I'm going to do some looking once the little ones are down for naps...
